
英语原版阅读:My name is Tigra‘开云官方入口’

2023-10-02 13:47:53


今天分享一篇阅读明白。可以学习动物的话题时举行同步阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读质料。逐日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。先来读文章:1.My name is Tigra.我的名字是Tigra。

2.I am a tiger. 我是一只老虎。3.I am the biggest cat in the world. 我是世界上最大的猫。

the biggest cat 最大的猫in the world 世界上4.I have an orange coat and black stripes all over my body. 我有一件橙色的外套,全身都是玄色的条纹。an orange coat 一件橙色的外套black stripes 玄色的条纹all over my body 全身5.I have a long tail and sharp claws.我有一条长长的尾巴和尖锐的爪子。

a long tail 一条长长的尾巴sharp claws 尖锐的爪子 6.I live in a forest and like to climb trees. 我住在森林里,喜欢爬树。live in a forest 住在森林里climb trees 爬树7.If I get too hot I swim in the water to cool off.如果我太热了,我就在水里游泳来降温。get too hot 太热swim in the water 在水里游泳cool off 降温 8.I am a good swimmer. 我是一个游泳妙手。

a good swimmer 一个游泳妙手9.At night I like to hunt at night. 晚上我喜欢狩猎。At night 晚上like to hunt 喜欢狩猎10.I can see very well in the dark. 我在黑黑暗看得很清楚。see very well 看得很清楚in the dark 在黑黑暗11.I eat a lot of meat. 我吃许多肉。a lot of 许多a lot of meat 许多肉eat a lot of meat 吃许多肉12.I eat deer and wild pigs. 我吃鹿和野猪。

wild pigs 野猪13.I have large paws and sharp teeth. 我有大爪子和尖锐的牙齿。large paws 大爪子 sharp teeth 尖锐的牙齿14.My roar is very loud. 我的吼声很大。My roar 我的吼声再来读一遍完整的文章:My name is Tigra. I am a tiger. I am the biggest cat in the world. I have an orange coat and black stripes all over my body. I have a long tail and sharp claws. I live in a forest and like to climb trees. If I get too hot I swim in the water to cool off. I am a good swimmer. At night I like to hunt. I can see very well in the dark. I eat a lot of meat. I eat deer and wild pigs. I have large paws and sharp teeth. My roar is very loud. 凭据漫笔,选择正确谜底。参考谜底:acdbaa获得更多的原版英语学习资源,请关注我,天天都市有更新。


