

2023-11-20 01:26:02

本文摘要:1. 万能理由框架 1(文化)句型:A nation’s traditional culture needs to be passed down from one generation to another, and because of this, _____某人 are encouraged to _____做某事.例句:A nation’s traditional culture needs to be passed down from one generation to another, and because of this, young people are encouraged to explore the past in the museum.一个国家的传统文化需要被一代一代传承下去,正因如此,年轻人被勉励在博物馆里探索历史。

1. 万能理由框架 1(文化)句型:A nation’s traditional culture needs to be passed down from one generation to another, and because of this, _____某人 are encouraged to _____做某事.例句:A nation’s traditional culture needs to be passed down from one generation to another, and because of this, young people are encouraged to explore the past in the museum.一个国家的传统文化需要被一代一代传承下去,正因如此,年轻人被勉励在博物馆里探索历史。2. 万能理由框架 2(康健)句型:People of today have strong awareness of health, and they pay closer attention to both physical health and mental fitness, so most of them choose to ______做某事.例句:People of today have strong awareness of health, and they pay closer attention to both physical health and mental fitness, so most of them choose to take physical exercise every day.如今的人们有很强的康健意识,他们对身体康健和心理康健和给予更多的关注,所以大多数人都选择天天举行体育磨炼。3. 万能理由框架 3(压力)句型:_____某人 of today are suffering pressure from _____某物, so anincreasing number of them choose to _____做某事, thereby relieving stress.例句:Students of today are suffering pressure from day-to-day study, so anincreasing number of them choose to take a trip during free time, thereby relieving stress.如今的学生正在负担日复一日的学习压力,所以越来越多的人选择在业余时间旅行,以此来缓解压力。4. 万能理由框架 4(娱乐)句型:People have more cultural and spiritual needs, especially today when we have settled basic food and clothing problems. Therefore, _____做某事 is becoming more and more popular.例句:People have more cultural and spiritual needs, especially today when we have settled basic food and clothing problems. Therefore, extensive reading is becoming more and more popular.人们有着更多的精神文化需求,特别是如今,我们已经基本解决了温饱问题。

所以,广泛的阅读正在变得越来越盛行。5. 万能理由框架 5(情况)Environmental problems are given more and more attention in recent years in that humans have realized that green hills and clean water are better than gold and silver mines.情况问题在近些年已经被越来越多的关注,因为人们已经意识到金山银山不如绿水青山。6. 万能理由框架 6(生活 a.)句型:Those aged between 40-50 need to support their elderly parents and bring up their children, which puts them under pressure to _______(迫于压力做某事)例句:Those aged between 40-50 need to support their elderly parents and bring up their children, which puts them under pressure to work around the clock.那些四五十岁的人需要赡养自己年迈的怙恃,还要抚育自己的孩子,这让他们迫于压力,天天不得不加班事情。

7. 万能理由框架 6(生活 b.)With the extraordinary progress of our living quality and the rapid development of economy, people can afford a quality life in recent years.随着我们的生活质量取得了特殊进步,以及经济的快速生长,人们在近些年来能够肩负得起更好的生活品质了。8. 万能理由框架 7(就业)句型:By _____(做某事 doing), students will be able to _____(带来的利益), which is very likely to help them hunt for a decent job with a stable source of income in the future.例句:By getting involved in volunteer work, students will be able to learn how to work in a team, which is very likely to help them hunt for a decent job with a stable source of income in the future.通过到场志愿者事情,学生们将能够明白如何在团队中事情,这很有可能资助他们在未来找到一份体面的事情,有稳定的收入泉源。

9. 万能理由框架 8(竞争 a.)句型:Nowadays, the competition is becoming more and more fierce. However, _____(事物 A) fails to _____(未能做某事) in the competition with _____(事物 B).例句:Nowadays, the competition is becoming more and more fierce. However, the US vehicles fails to meet Chinese consumers’ needs in the competition with cars made in China.如今,竞争正在变得原来越猛烈。然而,美国汽车在和国产车的竞争中没能满足中国消费者的需求。

10. 万能理由框架 8(竞争 b.)句型:Nowadays, the competition is becoming more and more fierce.Fortunately, _____(事物 A) have more advantages in _____(存在的优势) while _____(事物 B) pale in comparison.例句:Nowadays, the competition is becoming more and more fierce. Fortunately, cars made in China have more advantages in their performance and after-sale service while the US brands pale in comparison.如今,竞争正在变得越来越猛烈。幸运的是,国产车在其性能和售后服务上有更多优势,而美国品牌则相形见绌了。11. 万能理由框架 9(科技)句型:The technology of _____(某物) has achieved extraordinary progress in these days, and made it possible for _____(某人/某物) to _____(做某事).例句:The technology of auto making has achieved extraordinary progress in these days, and made it possible for people to drive reliable cars.汽车制造技术在近些年已经取得了特殊的成就,并让人们开上一辆可靠的汽车成为了可能。

12. 万能理由框架 10(效率)句型:_____(某物/做某事) enables _____(某人) to work/study more efficiently/independently, which results in the consequence that _____(效率提高后的利益).例句:The computer and internet enable us to work more efficiently, which results in the consequence that white-collar workers prefer browsing information from the screen, instead of newspapers.电脑和网络让我们事情起来越发高效,这使得白领们倾向于从电脑中获取信息,而不是看报纸。


